Administrative responsibilities
Program manager of the Civilingenjör datateknik study program, since 2008
Program manager of the Ingonline and Hexonline distance study programmes
Program manager for the Computer engineering study program,
Program manager for the International Master of Science
programs in computer enginnering, 2004-2007.
Program manager for the Media
Techniques study program, 1995-1999 and 2007-2009.
Program manager for the Media
Engineer study program, 140 credits, 1995-1999.
Program manager for the Engineering
distance study program, 1994-1995.
Industriell datakommunikation B, lecturer since 2016
Mathematical statistics and Modellering A, supervisor since 2015
Student Innovation Mid Sweden (SIMS) project course: Project based product development, 15
credits AV, responsible teacher since 2013
Simulation of communications
systems AV/Telesystems D, lecturer since 2004
Open source, IT law and security, A, since 2011
Wikipedia – Authoring, Reliability
and Technology, 2009-2011
Information security and risk
analysis, 2010-2011
Network Technology I and II A, 2008 - 2013
Multimedia and communication
systems B, since 2004
Computer networks A, since 2004
Telecommunication A, 5p, distance course, supervisor
Introduction to Project Based Product development/Intro to Information
Technology, examiner since 2004.
Broadband access and the IT
society, interdisciplinary distance course, supervisor 2001-02.
Computer Networks A, 5p, lecturer 1996-1999.
Telecommunications B, 5p, laboratory work 1994-1997,
lecturer 1997-1999 and 2004.
DSP programming/Applied signal processing C, 5p, lecturer 1995-1999.
Signal- and image processing B, 5p, lecturer 1997-1999.
Telecommunications B 1/Signal processing, 5p, laboratory work 1993-1994, lecturer
Telecommunications C, project course, 5p, lecturer 1995-1996.
Interactive multimedia, 5p, examiner 1997-1998.
Digital electronics and
microprocessors (GDT) A, 5p, lecturer 1994 and 1996.
Circuit theory and electronics A, 5p, lecturer 1995-1996.
Analog Electronics A, 5p, lecturer 1993-1996.
Internet for teachers, responsible for summer courses, 1994 and 1995.
Signal processing B, course 1 and 2, laboratory work and exercises, 1993-1994.
Circuit theory and electronics A, 4p, Linköpings tekniska högskola, exercise lectures and laboratory
work, 1992.
Digital electronics A, 4p, Linköpings tekniska högskola, laboratory work, 1991.
Mathematics and electronics, fortbildningskurser,
Televerket utbildning, 1986-1987.
Project working title
Dynamic Single Frequency Networks
- cooperative diversity with application to Interactive TV services,
multicasting over DVB and cellular networks, and wireless adhoc networks.
Summary of the Research area
The topic of my research is dynamic Radio Resource Management (RRM) schemes for packet based
wireless communication systems. In
1998 I suggested a concept which I call Dynamic Single Frequency Networks (DSFN). Since my Ph.D. studies are
kind of delayed, my publications have been cited by many to me unknown
authors. The concept implies that several transmitters send the same signal
simultaneously to receivers in an exposed position. This is combined with channel adaptive packet scheduling schemes. The
concept can be described as a form of cooperative transmitter macro
diversity, that can be applied to any wireless network using the Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex (OFDM) modulation scheme, or other
frequency domain equalization (FDE) schemes.
One application I have in mind is improved performance in wireless adhoc
networks, for example sensor networks or future UWB and wireless USB
systems. Another is IP multicast and unicast services over Terrestrial Digital Video
Broadcasting (DVB-T) system,
which is utilized as a broadband downlink, supplemented by some narrowband
interaction channel. This can be used for interactive services such as
localized datacasting services and efficient TV transmission using IP
multicasting. The schemes are evaluated regarding system spectral efficiency, fairness, computational complexity and energy consumption. The research
method is computer simulations.
1993 -
Sweden University
University lecturer (Part time
PhD Student)
1992 - Aug 1993
Televerket Radio/Telia
Mobile AB
1992 - Oct 1992
Training College/Lärarhögskolan i Linköping (2 months of a one year
Aug 1988 - Aug 1992
/Civ. Ing. programme in Applied Physics and Electrical Engineering,
Linköpings Tekn högskola (188.5 credits)
Book Chapters
1. Lundberg
L, Eriksson M., Grunderna i IT, ISBN 91-26-96394-9, course textbook, UR förlag,
2. Lundinger
B-O, Eriksson M, et al, IT för tekniker och ingenjörer, ISBN 91-26-7716-89,
course textbook, UR förlag, 1997.
Research Papers
3. Eriksson M., Säterberg H., ”Dynamic Radio Resource Management Schemes
for Interactive Services in DVB-T and DAB”, RVK’99,
Karlskrona, Sweden, June 1999. ( PDF file.)
4. Eriksson M, Säterberg H., ”The Concepts of PARPS –
Packet and Resource Plan Scheduling,” MMT’99, 6-8 Oct 1999, Venice, Italy. ( PDF file.)
5. Eriksson M., Xu Y., ”Packet-by-packet Radio Resource Management by
means of Dynamic Single Frequency Networks, WAS’00, 4-6
December 2000, San Francisco, U.S.A. ( PDF file.)
6. Eriksson M., ”Evaluation
of Packet-by-Packet
Downlink Radio Resource Management Schemes, VTC’01, 6-9 May 2001, Rhodes, Greece. ( PDF file.)
– Cited by 12 in 2012.
7. Magnus Eriksson, "Dynamic
Single Frequency Networks", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in
Communications, vol. 19, no. 10, pp. 1905-1914, Oct 2001. ( PDF file.) – Cited by 28 in 2012.
8. Magnus Eriksson, Arif Mahmud, ”Transmitter Macrodiversity in Multihopping–SFN based algorithm for improved node
reachability and robust routing”,
WASET International Conference on Computer Science and Technology (ICCST’10),
Rome, Italy, 28-30 April 2010. ( Local PDF file.)
9. Magnus Eriksson, Arif Mahmud, ”Dynamic Single Frequency Networks
in Wireless Multihop Networks-Energy Aware Routing Algorithms with
Performance Analysis”, 2010 IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information
Technology (CIT’10), Bradford, UK, June 2010.( Local PDF file.)
10. Magnus Eriksson, S.M.
Hasibur Rahman, Francisco Fraille, Mårten Sjöström, ”Efficient Interactive Multicast
over DVB-T2 - Utilizing Dynamic SFNs and PARPS”, 2013 IEEE International Conference
on Computer and Information Technology (BMSB’13), London, UK, June 2013. ( Local PDF file.)
Muneer, Magnus Eriksson, Khuram Shahzad, ”Single Frequency Network based Distributed
Cooperative Routing - with CSMA MAC”, 13th International Conference on Frontiers of
Information Technology, 2015 (FIT’15), Islamabad, PK, November 2015. ( Local PDF file.)