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Analog Electronics

Autumn 06

Name Lab I Lab II Lab III Lab IV Approved
Andersson Håkan OK OK OK OK 061205
Eriksson Emanuel OK        
Eriksson Jonny          
Hallin Mattias OK OK OK OK 061205
Hammarling Krister OK OK OK OK 061030
Lundberg Mats          
Nilsson Joakim          
Olofsson Christoffer OK OK OK OK 061030
Svensson Patrik OK OK OK OK 061207
Söderlund Johannes OK OK OK OK 061030
Wallin Peter OK OK OK OK 061207

* Still not reported to the administration.

Autumn 01

Computer Engineers

Name Lab I Lab II Lab III Lab IV Lab V Approved
Jessica Bergström OK OK OK OK OK 011025
Tim Ervasti            
Mikael Forsgren            
Mattias Hammarstedt     OK      
Anton Hautala            
Sanna Hedberg OK OK OK OK OK 011116
Gunnar Modin OK OK OK OK OK 011105
Erik Nordin            
Helena Persson OK OK OK OK OK 011116
Rickard Skog            
Jonas Wallin            
Johan Westergård OK OK OK OK OK 020125
Ingemar Wikström   OK        
Daniel Vikberg            
Erik Ögren     OK      
Malyar Pourheidari     OK      

Electrical Engineers

Name Lab I Lab II Lab III Lab IV Lab V Approved
Daniel Abrahamsson OK OK OK OK OK 011105
Magnus Flodberg OK OK OK OK OK 020125
Maria Garnes OK OK OK OK OK 011105
Erik Gudmunsson OK OK OK  OK OK 011105
Eleni Karagiannaki            
Magnus Linder OK OK OK OK OK 020125
Evert Nord OK OK OK OK OK 011105
Kjell-Ola Norgren            
Ulf Sjödin OK OK OK OK OK 011105
Sara Ågren            


Autumn 00

Computer Engineers

Name Lab I Lab II Lab III Lab IV Lab V Lab VI Approved
Andersson Michael OK OK OK OK OK OK 010120
Berggren Sebastian OK OK OK OK OK OK 010426
Hartell Björn OK OK OK OK OK OK 001116
Höglund Ida OK OK OK OK OK OK 001116
Lidholm Abraham OK OK OK OK OK OK 041003
Lillieros Pekka OK OK OK OK OK OK 010914
Lilly Simon OK OK OK OK OK OK 001109
Lundberg Tommy OK OK OK OK OK OK 001120
Lusth Peter OK OK OK OK OK OK 001025
Nordin Erik OK OK OK OK OK OK 001107
Petterson Jens OK OK OK OK OK OK 001120
Stoll Martin OK OK OK OK OK OK 001128
Strindlund Thobias OK OK OK OK OK OK 001128
Sundblad Petter OK OK OK OK OK OK 001025
Sundin Ted OK OK OK OK OK OK 001107
Sundström Gunnel OK OK OK OK OK OK 001013
Söderman Ulrik OK OK OK OK OK OK 010914
Söderström Marcus OK OK OK OK OK OK 010120
Thorell Michael OK OK OK OK OK OK 001013
Wallin Jonas OK OK OK OK OK OK 001109
Öhgren Lars OK OK OK OK OK OK 010426

Electrical Engineers

Name Lab I Lab II Lab III Lab IV Lab V Lab VI Approved
Bergman Camilla OK OK OK OK OK OK 001116
Bergman Tobias OK OK OK OK OK OK 030325
Dahlberg Jan-Åke OK OK OK OK OK OK 001025
Eriksson Mattias OK OK OK OK OK OK 001013
Hammarström Kent OK OK OK OK OK OK 001128
Hörnqvist Ulf OK OK OK OK OK OK 001013
Karlsson Göran OK
Karlsson Kajsa OK OK OK OK OK OK 001025
Larsson Lars OK OK OK OK OK OK 001025
Lindmark Thomas OK OK OK OK OK OK 001108
Norman Anders OK OK OK OK OK OK 021220
Schröder Catarina OK OK OK OK OK OK 001116
Tjärnström Lars OK OK OK OK OK OK 030325
Wikholm Patrik
Wikström Linda OK OK OK OK OK OK 001025
Bratel Simon OK OK OK OK OK OK 010120
Englund Martin OK OK OK OK OK OK 001025
Helgsten Maria OK OK OK OK OK OK 001025
Kallin-Robbins Eva OK OK OK OK OK OK 001025
Lindberg Magnus OK OK OK OK OK OK 001025
Lundmark Mattias OK OK OK OK OK OK 001025
Melander Martin OK OK OK OK OK OK 001025
Nilsson Ulf OK OK OK OK OK OK 020617
Norberg Jonas OK OK OK OK OK OK 001025
Renman Pernilla OK OK OK OK OK OK 001219
Wessbladh Emil OK OK OK OK OK OK 001025
Åberg Karl OK OK OK OK OK OK 001025
Äng Angelica OK OK OK OK OK OK 001219
Öström Magnus OK OK OK OK OK OK 001025

* Still not reported to the administration.

Spring 99


Name Lab I Lab II Lab III Lab IV Lab V Lab VI Lab VII Approved
Adestedt Henrik OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 990603
Arild Patrik
Blomqvist Peter OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 990603
Carlsson Anders
Flodin Rasmus OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 990603
Gyll Anders OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 990603
Hall Alexander OK+ OK OK OK OK OK OK 990603
Hamrik Rikard OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 990603
Höglund Håkan OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 990603
Jansson Mikael OK+ OK OK OK OK OK OK 990603
Josefsson Rickard OK+ OK OK OK OK OK OK 990603
Karlsson Stina OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 990603
Lundgren Jan OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 990603
Nordqvist Mats OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 990603
Paulus Ziad OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 990603
Sergelius Lolita OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 990603
Unander Tomas OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 990603
Ågren Stefan OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 990603


Name Lab I Lab II Lab III Lab IV Lab V Lab VI Lab VII Approved
Andersson Anneli
Danielsson Annalena
Holmlund Gunnar
Korall Anna OK OK+OK OK+ OKOK OK 990603
Lindqvist Monica
Magnusson Lars
Nilsson Kristine OK OK+OK OK+ OKOK OK 990603
Selin Birgitta
Suvari Anette

* Still not reported to the administration.

Autumn 98

Computer Engineer

Name Lab I Lab II Lab III Lab IV Lab V Lab VI Lab VII Approved
Abremark Katarina OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 981110
Amanatides Eleftherios OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 981110
Andersson Roger OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 981110
Backlund Carolina OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 981110
Bengtsson Eva OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 981110
Bergstedt Jonas OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 981110
Bertling Ken OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 981110
Boström Daniel OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 990112
Buchner Susanne OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 981110
Bäckström Johan OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 981110
Calpe Sasso Broderick OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 981110
Edenström Thomas OK OK+ OK OK OK OK OK 981110
Edlund Markus OK OK OK OK OK
Eklund Andreas OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 990112
Eriksson Mattias OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 981110
Fahlgren Johan OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 991115
Flores Felipe OK OK OK OK OK OK
Forslund Annakarin OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 981110
Fäldt Daniel
Gomes Daniel OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 981110
Granström Peter OK OK OK OK+ OK OK OK 981110
Grundberg Anders OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 981110
Gunnarson Magnus OK
Hafvenström Johan OK OK+ OK OK OK OK OK 981110
Hallin henrik OK OK OK+ OK OK OK OK 981110
Holm Fredrik OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 981110
Höglund Torbjörn OK OK+ OK
Jansson Björn OK OK OK OK+ OK OK OK 981110
Jonsson Annchatrine OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 981110
Karlsson Martin OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 981110
Larsson Magnus OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 981110
Lindberg Joakim OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 981110
Lindbom Fredrik OK OK OK OK+ OK OK OK 981110
Lundholm Annika OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 981110
Mohamed Abu-Torse
Näslund Dan OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 981110
Olsson Pontus OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 981110
Pongrugthai Panrak OK OK OK OK+ OK OK OK 990112
Roju Tommy OK+ OK OK OK OK
Saloheimo Oskari OK
Sandblom Margareta OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 981110
Selin Petter OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 991115
Skoglund Lars-Ove OK OK OK OK OK OK+ OK 981110
Sundqvist Niklas OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 981110
Svedberg Patrik OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 981110
Svensson Christer OK OK OK+ OK OK OK OK 981110
Söderlund Kennet OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 981110
Wallberg Maria OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 981110
Wiklund Annica OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 981110
Westman Johan OK OK OK OK OK OK+ OK 981110
Wood Paul

Electrical Engineer

Name Lab I Lab II Lab III Lab IV Lab V Lab VI Lab VII Approved
Andersson Patrik OK
Backman Anders OK OK OK+ OK OK OK OK 981110
Frohm Niklas OK+ OK OK OK OK OK OK 981110
Gunther Daniel OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 990112
Hammarström Magnus OK
Lindström Anders OK
Lindberg Joakim OK
Lundmark Stefan OK OK+ OK OK OK OK OK 981110
Nilsson Henrik OK OK OK OK OK OK
Nilsson Mattias OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 981110
Rharmili Vincent OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 990112
Sjökvist Erik OK OK OK OK OK OK+ OK 981110
Sölveskog Jonas OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 981110

* Still not reported to the administration.



Kent Bertilsson


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