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Analog electronics
Measurement System
Applied Sensor Technology
Lab Instructions
Lab Results

Analog Electronics
Digital Electronics
Computer Technology
HF Electronics I
HF Electronics II
Measurement Techniques
Semiconductor Devices

High Frequency Electronics II

Spring 02

Name Lab I Lab II Lab III Approved
Andreas Andersson OK OK OK 030325
Mats Engström        
Håkan Karlsson        
Irene Larsson  ret      
Fredrik Linnarsson        
Claes Mattsson OK OK OK 030325
Johan Nordin        
Mustafa Omeragic OK OK OK 020619
Fredrik Sandberg        

* Still not reported to the administration.

Spring 01

Name Lab I Lab II Lab III Lab IV Approved
Jan Lundgren OK OK OK OK 040107*

* Still not reported to the administration.

Spring 00

Name Lab I Lab II Lab III Lab IV Approved
Englund Urban OK OK OK OK 000529
Sköldvik Torben OK OK OK OK 000526
Bäckman Anders OK OK OK OK 010201
Thelander Patric OK OK OK OK 000616
Johansson Rickard OK OK OK OK 000526
Aronsson Fredrik OK OK OK OK 000608
Cuturic Nenad OK OK OK OK 000526

* Still not reported to the administration. 

Kent Bertilsson


Phone:  +4660 148915
Fax:   +4660 148456
Cellular:  +4670 6864443


Visiting adress:

Kent Bertilsson
Mid-Sweden University
Åkroken-S 205
Holmgatan 10

Mailing adress:

Kent Bertilsson
Mid-Sweden University
S-851 70 Sundsvall

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